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Tulsion® MB-101 CC
Tulsion® MB-101 CC is a mixed-bed ion exchange resin that is specially formulated to change color upon exhaustion. The resin produces demineralized water for use in stain-free cleanings such as window cleaning and car wash applications.
Tulsion® MB-101 CC is a cross-linked polystyrene copolymer used to demineralize and produce ultra-pure water. It is a mixed-bed ion exchange resin composed of a strong acid cation resin, Tulsion® T-46 (H), and a strong base anion resin, Tulsion® A-33 (OH), at a 1:1 ratio.
Tulsion® MB-101 CC is specially formulated to change color from green to orange upon exhaustion which makes it easy to use in cleaning cartridges and other consumer applications.
Tulsion® MB-101 CC mixed bed resin offers excellent chemical and thermal stability. It is also used as a deionizer or demineralizer in domestic and industrial applications. It can also be used for post-water treatment polishing to remove trace minerals and impurities.
For applications that require selective ion removal, please check our portfolio of Thermax Tulsion® ion exchange resins, acid cation resins, and base anion resins tailored to the specific needs of your water treatment system.
Composition: A mixture of Tulsion® T-46 and Tulsion® A-33 resins
Appearance: Greenish color beads
Matrix structure: Cross-linked polystyrene
Functional groups: Sulphonic acid and quaternary ammonium type I
Physical form: Moist spherical resin beads
Ionic form: Hydrogen form and hydroxide form resins
Particle size (min.): 0.3 to 1.2
Screen Size USS (wet): 16 to 50
pH range: 0-14
Flashpoint: 58.8C (138 F)
Solubility: Insoluble in all common solvents
CAS#: 69011-20-7 and 69011-18-3
Primary Chemistry: A mixture of Tulsion® T-46 cation-exchange resin and Tulsion® A-33 anion-exchange resin in a 1:1 volume ratio
Features & Benefits
Mixed bed ion exchange for removing both anion and cation impurities
Removes anionic and cationic impurities from aqueous solutions
Suitable for use in filtration cartridge applications
High stability ion exchanger over a wide pH range
High purity and chlorine-free ion exchange resin
Used in water filtration cartridges for stain-free washing
Produces high purity aqueous solutions
Problems Solved
Water impurities before or after filtration systems Stains and salt spots in window cleaning applications Spots and insufficient cleaning in car wash applications
Filtration cartridges used in cleaning and washing application
Window cleaning, car wash, and glass cleaning applications
Ultrapure and demineralization water systems
Anion and cation deionization applications
Post water treatment polishing and demineralization
Deionized water provides exceptional cleaning and spotless rinse in a variety of applications. Learn about Tulsion® Ion Exchange Resins and their applications
Demineralized water is a critical component in various manufacturing processes. Explore our range of demineralization ion exchange resins from Thermax.
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