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Easy to use, Low GWP Refrigerant to Directly Replace R-22 and R502 (ASHRAE R428A) in a Wide Range of Conditioning and Refrigeration Applications.
RS-52 is a non-ozone depleting, near azeotropic performance refrigerant blend for direct replacement of R22, R502 and interim ozone depleting blends like R402A, R403B, R408A and other HFC solutions. RS-52 can be implemented without having to change existing lubricants, components, or equipment (except the case of small adjustment to the expansion device).
RS-52 is compatible with all traditional mineral oil/alkyl benzene lubricants and synthetic esters (POE). RS-52 is a capacity match for R502 and exhibits a temperature glide of less than 1°C.
RS-52 (ASHRAE R428A) is a low global warming potential (GWP) and zero ozone depleting potential (ODP) performance refrigerant to replace harmful and outdated HCFC and HFC chemistries.
ASHRAE Number: R428A Molecular Weight: 101.3 Temperature Glide: ~0.8K Ozone Depletion Potential: Zero Critical Temperature: 163.4°F (73.0°C) Critical Pressure: 38.1 Bara (552 psia) Boiling Point (@ 1 atm): -52.1°F (-46.7°C) Liquid Density (25°C): 1053 kg/m³ Density of Saturated Vapor (25°C): 70.2 kg/m³ Latent Heat of Vaporization at Boiling Point: 189.2 kJ/kg Vapor Pressure (25°C): 12.68 bara (183.9 psia) Surface Tension (25°C): 0.00468 N/m
Features & Benefits
Close performance match for R502 Replacement for R22 Gas Compatible with Mineral Oil (MO), Alkyl Benzene (AB), and Polyol Ester (POE) based Lubricants Non-Flammable Low Toxicity Low Temperature Glide <1°C Lower Discharge Temperatures Low Global Warming Potential (GWP) Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)
Problems Solved
Ozone Damaging Refrigerant Technologies Poor Refrigerant Glide Performance Inadequate Cooling Capacity for Refrigerants Gas or Chemical Incompatibility with Industrial Lubricant
RS-52 Performance Refrigerant is suitable for use in a broad array of refrigeration, HVAC, chillers, air conditioning and low temperature applications that call for R428A refrigerant.
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